
This template includes example code snippets for developers. The template itself is a hard coded version of the scrollspy template.

Bootstrap Form

Basic HTML form that submits to a PHP wp_mail() script. Uses Boostrap form markup with Boostrap form validation. This example includes an injected hidden field to prevent spam submissions.

<input type="hidden" name="st-validation-hidden-field" class="required" value="1">
Please provide a first name.
Please provide a last name.
Please enter a valid email.
Please provide a company name.
Please select an option.
Please provide some comments.

WP Query

Custom WP Query with pagination. If using a custom WP Query with pagination on a WordPress page make sure to add the %page% variable to the page title in Yoast SEO to prevent duplicate page titles.


HubSpot Docs

The HubSpot theme is built to use HubSpot's drag and drop CMS interface where you can add and arrange modules to create different layouts.


WordPress Docs

The WordPress theme uses Advanced Custom Fields PRO to create a modular CMS that is easy to use and tailored for the design of your site by utilizing the ACF Flexible Content field to create an interface where you can add and arrange modules to create different layouts.